It’s 2017! It’s the brand new year! I hope you are waking up slowly today, recovering from a little hangover, or the opposite: that you woke up very early and went for a new year’s run or walk already, squeezing oranges and grapefruits now and baking off croissants in the oven. Whatever you are doing today; it’s a brand new year, a clean unwritten sheet, a new start…. I hope you will have a good year, full of success, love, health, friendship and laughter. Beautiful moments, positive vibes and peace of mind.
Start today with a glass of bubbly!
And light the fire in your hearts! Be positive, love and be loved, have fun, laugh, work hard, be nice to others…..
I hope 2017 will be a good year. With more love and less hate in world. More awareness for our planet! And a healthy (and sometimes not) lifestyle for us all.
Photos by Unsplash