kook & wijn

Spaghetti meatballs

An all time favourite for young and old, casual or fancy, male or female, foodie or non foodie; Spaghetti Meatballs. I never met someone who doesn’t like that. Well, a vegetarian maybe, but you can make veggie balls instead. This Italian dish is always a winner and today I’ll share the recipe with you!

Spaghetti Meatballs with home made tomato sauce, basil, Parmesan cheese, fresh pasta

Serves 4

for the meatballs:
500 gram beef mince or half beef/half pork mince if you prefer
100 gram bread crumbs
1 egg
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons Italian herbs
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne or Chili powder
1 teaspoon sambal or Sriracha Hot chilli sauce
table spoon mustard

for the rest:
butter, a good lump, for frying the meat balls
good dash of olive oil, for frying the meatballs
a good batch, about 500 ml of home made tomato sauce (recipe you can find here)
350 gram fresh spaghetti
fresh basil
hand full of pine nut, dry roasted
100 gram Parmesan cheese, grated


It helps a lot of if you have already a good batch of tomato sauce. If not, you can find the recipe here.
In a bowl mix the mince together with all other ingredients for the meat balls and form balls. If they are too dry add more egg if they are too wet double the amount of bread crumbs.
Melt the butter in a big frying pan, and add some olive oil too. Fry the meat balls until golden brown.
In the mean while grate Parmesan cheese, dry roast pine nuts, roughly chop basil leaves. Set aside for serving. Preheat some plates. Heat the tomato sauce over medium heat.
Cook water for the pasta. Add a pinch of salt and cook the pasta. Drain the pasta and keep an espresso cup of the liquid. Mix the warm tomato sauce and the meat balls. If necessary add some of the drained liquid of pasta. Serve plain pasta on a plate, with the meatballs in tomato sauce on top. Finish off with Parmesan cheese, basils and pine nuts. Place some black pepper on the table if one likes to add some.

Bon Appétit!

Spaghetti Meatballs with home made tomato sauce, basil, Parmesan cheese, fresh pasta

*Note: I have not been asked, payed or invited to share this recipe with you. It is my own recipe but probably a combination of all sorts of “Spaghetti Meatball” recipes out in the world. All photos are mine and made with a Canon EOS M3 camera. 

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