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travel & stay


Franschhoek Art Route

Franschhoek is well known for her award winning wineries and restaurants, the mountains, Huguenots and her natural beauty. But do not forget about the art! Nowadays there are fantastic art galleries in Franschhoek. Over the 5,5 years I lived…

stukjes enzo

20 Reasons why I love South Africa – Part 2

People who never visited South Africa don’t always understand my endless love for this country. They don’t understand the hankering I feel to always go back there. “But you have seen it already, right? Why don’t you go and explore…

hier moet je eten

Tschebull restaurant, Hamburg, Germany

One of my favourite restaurants from the last few months is for sure Tschebull in Hamburg, Germany. We enjoyed our dinner her so much, that we went back there 2 days later for lunch! It’s a Beisl, the Austrian…

reis & verblijf

Pillows Anna van den Vondel Hotel, Amsterdam

There’s a new kid in town; Anna van den Vondel, a luxury home-from-home feeling boutique hotel in Amsterdam. A stone’s throw away from Amsterdam’s most well known and beautiful city-park “Het Vondelpark”, this completely renewed and refurbished hotel just…

hier moet je eten

Rijks Restaurant, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is famous! Well known for her ‘Gallery of Honour’, with Rembrandt’s famous De Nachtwacht (Night watch) and many other paintings of Dutch Masters from ’the Golden Century’, like Johannes Vermeer, Jan Steen and Frans Hals.…

stukjes enzo

20 reasons why I love South Africa – Part 1

People who never visited South Africa don’t always understand my endless love for this country. They don’t understand the hankering I feel to always go back there. “But you have seen it already, right? Why don’t you go and explore…

hier moet je eten

Daalder restaurant, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Last weekend we went out for dinner in Amsterdam, to Daalder; a great restaurant on the Lindengracht in neighbourhood ‘Jordaan’. We were pleasantly surprised and today I will show you why. The exterior of the restaurant on a wet,…