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kook & wijn

Chicken broth with garden peas and mushrooms

In the category ‘lazy housewife recipes’ I have a new one for you: fast and easy chicken soup with garden peas, mushrooms and spring onion. On the table in less than 15 minutes and still healthy and fresh. If…

kook & wijn

Parsnip, ginger and horseradish soup

Parsnips are in season in Europe! For a few euros you can get lots and lots of parsnip during winter months. Together with ginger and horseradish I made this delicious, hearty soup with a slight tingling sensation in your…

kook & wijn

Broccoli soup

Okay okay. When your partner says: ‘We eat broccoli soup tonight’ you don’t think straight away you’ll have the best meal of the week. It sounds rather boring, and if one doesn’t like broccoli either, you seriously think you…