Typical Dutch food? Poffertjes! These small pancakes made of milk, flower, eggs, a pinch of salt and some baking powder are the best. Some recipes add a bit of golden syrup, others add some melted butter, yeast, but the main recipe is milk, flower, eggs. Like pancakes, but poffertjes are smaller, thicker and often a bit more juicy, or less dry. Full of flavour. I eat them with icing sugar and a lump of butter. Not great for my figure, but great for my mood and happiness! There are a few old fashioned ‘Poffertjeskramen’ (‘Dutch small-pancake stalls’) left in the country. Some very simple, some very beautiful and then they often do exist then for already long time. A good example of an old, historic one, is the one in Laren, North Holland. Not far from Amsterdam and neither from Utrecht, there is a pretty village called Laren. And here you will find a family business from Cornelis de Haan, with its old heavy, cast iron poffertjes stove from 1890, as the jewel of the interior.
Cornelis de Haan is an understanding in Laren and area. This Poffertjes stall exists already for years. On the facade you can see the ‘Je maintiendrai’ image, the national ‘logo’ of the Netherlands, with the two lions.
Poffertjes in the making….
Laren is a beautiful village, close to bigger cities Utrecht and Amsterdam.
Yum! Poffertjes are delicious. I like them with lots of icing sugar and a lump of cold butter on top, that will melt onto the poffertjes…. With a glass of cold milk on the side. Ha! Don’t you think it’s funny that a glass milk tastes so great with pancakes or poffertjes.
The Facts
Do you want to taste the poffertjes from Laren yourself? Click here for road directions.
In the spring and summer season the stall is open Tuesday – Saturday from 11.00 until 21.00 and Sundays from 12.00 until 21.00. Monday they are closed. Also, the Poffertjeskraam is closed during winter months, from the second part of September until the first part of March.
*Note: I have not been asked, payed or invited to write about ‘Corn. de Haan Poffertjeskraam’. It was my own idea as I love poffertjes. All photos are mine and made with a Canon EOS M3 camera.
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